Help & Support

At Xactus, we are dedicated to providing unmatched customer service.

Consumer Disputes

If you are a consumer looking to dispute an item reporting on your credit report, click HERE.

If you are a Xactus customer seeking assistance, please select from the following options:

Customer Service

Credit reports, supplements, lien and judgements, etc.

[email protected]
Xactus360: 800.243.0120 x 2000

Score Analytics

Xcel ScoreX/Lending Hand, scoring tools

[email protected]
800.258.3488 x 1374

Tax TranscriptX

Status updates and assistance with tax transcripts/4506-C

[email protected]
Xactus360: 800.243.0120 x 7212

Social Security NotificationX

Status updates and assistance with SSN notifications/SSA89

[email protected]
Xactus360: 800.243.0120 x 1409

Technical Support

Login, password reset, browser issues, reissues

[email protected]
Xactus360: 800.243.0120 x 1401
System Status

Advocacy Team

Product support, resolution support, report format changes, client training and onboarding

[email protected]
Xactus360: 800.243.0120 x 1405

Mailing Address

Xactus LLC
370 Reed Road, Suite 100
Broomall, Pennsylvania 19008

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